g*n c*ntr*l

From: Anton Sherwood (bronto@pobox.com)
Date: Tue Mar 14 2000 - 02:29:27 MST

Zero Powers wrote:

> Is it not true that the NRA opposes virtually *every* single piece of
> gun-control legislation that comes down the pike?

If only! On the contrary, NRA writes some of it.

Until a reliable way exists of rendering harmless ALL the badguys
(including the ones with badges), I'm content to let everybody have a
gun. Yea, even unto the nutcases and the ex-cons; for the alternative
is to put my safety at the mercy of some bureaucrat.

> Is it not true that the NRA opposes any attempt reduce the production
> of new guns? Is it not true that the NRA is opposed to reducing the
> number of guns now in circulation?

I trust that if you want to destroy your own guns, or shut down your gun
business, the NRA won't question your right to do so.

> Is it not true that there are more guns in America than there are
> Americans? Is it not true that the NRA sees no problem with the
> ratio of guns to people?

I can't speak for what the NRA "sees", not being a member.

I have four guns, with different purposes - market niches, as it were.
(Details only on request.) Guns thus outnumber vertebrates in this
household. Whoopee. So what? Am I more of a danger than three men
with one gun each?

It occurs to me that we have more deadly knives than guns. But at least
we haven't got a swimming pool; those are *much* more dangerous than

Anton Sherwood  *\\*  br0nt0@p0b0x.com  *\\*  http://www.jps.net/antons/

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