Sticks and Stones and Bullets, Oh, My!

From: Joe E. Dees (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 21:52:28 MST

        I indulged in some name-calling, true; but when the swastika
fits, wear it proudly, retros! Hunh? Ya don't like being called
fascists? Well, whether or not you like the fact, it is the white dog
truth that not only do the far-right owe most of their historical
origins to the Fascists and the Nazis, but also, the members of
that retro movement include a disproportionate percentage of
racist, sexist, fundamentalist and antisemitic luddite thugs. Of
course, they'll attempt to brand their opposition with the fascist
label which gun gonads rightfully have historically owned lock,
stock and smoking barrel, just as they'll call their opposition
zombies when it is they who are lock-goose-stepping to the martial
music; they know a good albatross when they have had to wear it
around their own necks. Speaking of necks, I suspect that a lot of
the cold dead fingers cabal piping up onlist are pencil-necked
geeks who feel fearful in the local Dairy Queen unless they are
packing their penile prostheses.
        As to the salient point of requiring gun registration as we must
do for automobiles, it is nothing short of irresponsible to fight same,
and to allow, by default, criminal types to purchase firearms at
open death-market gun shows, and nothing short of criminal
negligence to fight safe smartgun technology. I suspect that the
defenders of such sociopathically insane policies truly treasure
their opportunities to rub shoulders with the true bad-boy outlaws
who have been replenishing their arsenals at these events. There
should be a purchase-prohibited registry, at the very least, that
forbids the purchase of firearms to those listed within it, and people
convicted of violent crimes, those with restraining orders/peace
bonds issued against them, and the duly certified mentally
incompetent and/or deranged should have their names included as
part and parcel of the actions taken regarding them. Any TRULY
responsible gun owners (and I own five) would not want such
people armed around them. I suspect that a large part of the
stridency exhibited in opposition to these sane, logical, rational,
reasonable regulations is due to the probability that many of their
opponents (including some on this list) would then not be eligible to
pack, due to their criminal histories, records of violent intimidation
and physical/sexual abuse, mental incompetence and/or emotional

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