Re: The US Department of Defense's New AntiterrorismSquads-Thefaceof tota...

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 06:11:24 MST wrote:
> In a message dated 03/13/2000 12:33:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > McVeigh was thrown out of a militia meeting
> > because of his views, and he was never a member. Buford was a nazi, not
> > a militia member.
> MacVeigh trained with the Michigan Militia.

No. He did not. He attended one meeting and was asked to leave. McVeigh
trained with the US Army, and later did a lot of self training, alone,
with fuel/fertilizer explosives on the farm of his freind Terry Nichols.
If you have any different information, cite sources, cause you aren't
carrying any water yet.

> Bufford had ties with Ole Rev
> Butler's ladies club Hayden Lake, Idaho (Hating Lake?) Think that there's no
> connection with them and some militias? Think again.

I'm sure racist pro-statist pukes like you would love to think so.

> >Who, the greenies? I beleive it.
> Greens have yet to successfully produce a single watt of electricty. I am not
> unsure if Amory Lovins count as Greens? But his advice has surely saved
> electricity and money and still got the job done industrially.

I know Amory Lovins, and no, he's not a Green. Back when I was saving
the country a lot of electricity and getting the job done industrially
(still doing it, all the retrofits I designed and sold are still in
place and will be for another 20 years+).

Greens want us all to live in Kazinski-like splendor (oh, whats that?
another terrorist....he musta been a member of the Greens Militia....why
wouldn't he, he was violent, he hated people, and he was a lonely white
loser living out in the hills of wyoming. He musta been militia. Had to
be. In fact, I beleive it now, so it must be true....

Mike Lorrey

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