Re: alt dns Re: Good Offenses [was Re: deciding which fork in the road to take...]

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sun Mar 12 2000 - 20:55:00 MST

Anton Sherwood wrote:
> Brian Atkins wrote:
> > ... ICANN sucks! What would be interesting is if you had some alt
> > registries, and the linux people put it into their default distros
> > so that all their users started using the alt registries, would that
> > eventually cause the other OS vendors such as M$ to include support
> > for the registries in their products? I am really surprised no one
> > in linux-land has come up with the idea for "open source" registries
> > not sanctioned by ICANN.
> Define "using the alt registries". Sure I suppose it would be easy to
> get a large number of Linucians (not all of them) to *recognize*
> domain.tux. But who'd want such a domain unless they're publishing only
> material of interest to penguins? And what is MS's customers'
> motivation to demand access to such material?

Considering the huge response to Corel's linux release, and their plans
to go head to head with microsoft, I think that given a sufficient PR
campaign among ISPs, microsoft will have to do it to compete. You can
already configure what your registry servers are yourself in NT IIS, so
its just a matter of getting microsoft to enter it as a pre-installed
registry. Thats not hard, and again, could probably be cured with money.

Mike Lorrey

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