Don't look now, but.....

From: Corbally (
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 16:21:13 MST

Saw this a few days ago...It's kind of indicative of the utter trash that
seems to eminate from the religious organizations these days....

>A leading conservative candidate to succeed
> Pope John Paul II has warned that the
> Antichrist foreseen in the Book of Revelations
> is already among us.

But wait, it gets even better!

>the modern Antichrist, identified in the Book of
> Revelation as a seven-headed beast,
> was most likely now disguised as a
> philanthropist supporting creeds like
> vegetarianism, animal rights or pacifism, or
> advocating dialogue with Orthodox or
> Anglican believers.

Well, I guess the game's up boys and girls. Pack out your trash and
prepare for the end...:)



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