Re: alt dns Re: Good Offenses [was Re: deciding which fork in the road to take...]

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sun Mar 12 2000 - 10:54:08 MST

Brian Atkins wrote:
> "Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> >
> > The only way to fight that fight is with money. Assuming you have gobs
> > and gobs of it, you start your own domain name registration service, and
> > get ICANN, or WIPO or whoever it is now that oversees and approves new
> > domain name registry services to let you get into the business. Possibly
> > create your own new top level domains (rather than .com .net .web, etc.
> > use .sys, .inc, .corp, .home, etc....) Once you have done this, sell
> Nope, no reason really to try to go through ICANN. No laws preventing
> you from setting up your own registry right now. The trick is getting
> people's operating systems to utilize your registry. The DNS resolvers
> of existing OSs can be setup to check whatever root servers you
> like for a resolution, so it is not technically difficult to get
> people to use your service. You just have to somehow convince everyone
> to setup their computers to do it...
> It would be nice to have some kind of system whereby DNS servers
> could automatically be notified of new registries, sort of like how
> newsgroups are created. The server admin can setup the dns server
> to automatically add these new registries, or he can manually ok
> them all. I really don't see a reason why not to do this. What is
> the logic ICANN is using to not allow as many TLDs as people would
> like?

The logic is that the entire namespace belongs to the human race, and
that that real estate needs to be preserved for the common benefit of
all. Pure socialist hogwash, of course, but ICANN is now a major NGO
with the UN. I can just imagine them sending UN Peacekeepers to occupy
your offices....maybe they'll just call you domestic terrorists and send
the new military Gestapo after you. Your argument has merit, possibly
you could start the process, then as you run into snags with acceptance,
and possibly outright interference from ICAN, you could bring anti-trust
action against ICANN.

Mike Lorrey

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