Re: God's indifference to suffering?

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 23:37:38 MST

Octavio Rojas Diaz wrote:

> Also remember that, depressive people, is usually unable to do things
> they easily do when they aren't facing a depressive crisis, and this
> includes learning, understanding and creating.

Overgeneralization Octavio, perhaps partially correct. I have struggled
to understand depression, and may have a few insights. One does
not see a person writhe in pain while they lie on a featherbed. If one
lies upon a hard bench, or a bed of nails, sure they squirm, but not
on a soft bed.

For me, life is a wonderfully soft featherbed. Life is goooood!
Except during depression events, at which time it is the cruelest, and
at those times I writhe in mental agony, and yet those are by far my most
creative times. I might feel like I cannot do anything, but in fact those
times and immediately after are when I do things. Things happen,
things get done, I change, create. Dont know why that is, but it
feels like sand in an hourglass. As the sand pours down the hill gets
taller and steeper. Every once in a while there is a huge slumping
down, the hill changes shape suddenly. Then it starts building again
as a new equilibrium is formed. spike

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