Re: dreams of a better world

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 17:47:44 MST

> >Let [spike] try another angle. As someone pointed out, they are
> careful
> >to never post anything that might become illegal at any time in the
> >future. This is exactly what might help defeat tyranny...
> Amara Graps: I don't put very much weight on methods to defeat tyranny
> that rely
> on "mass"-something, mass-movements, mass-media, etc. What I know
> best is my local environment, and the person that I can rely on the
> best is me. Therefore, my personal philosophy is to "act locally"...

OK Ive an idea. Please some of you computer gurus tell me if it
is possible. Could one write a virus that sits in an email message
that does nothing other than forward a copy of itself to a random
person on the receiver's email list? If so, one could write a virus-free

message that says something like:

"I like green eggs and spam."*

*By the way, gentle person reading this message, your computer
has already sent out a copy of this message to someone in your
address book with your name as sender. Yes I know I am a virus
author, the most repugnant lifeform known and I shall burn in digital
hell for all eternity. Be that as it may, should green eggs and spam
ever be made illegal by some future tyrannical government, you
are on the permanent record as liking these items. Think it over and
help keep cyberspace free.

[Fake out. Theres no virus here. Just wanted to get you thinking.]

Whaddya think? We could send them out to friends without
a real virus, just as kind of a mind opener or something. spike

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