Patent breakthrough- maybe we don't need them after all?

From: Timothy Bates (
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 17:34:00 MST

As a disbeliever in patents, this article warmed my heart,

But the reply that Jeff Bezos was stimulated to write after conversations
with Tim O'Reilly may have a more immediate effect: Fearing an arms race
which will destroy amazon share holder equity, Bezos is asking the
government to change its laws so that all sides can put down their patent


"The public universities have entered into an unspoken contract with the
state: they will promote statist ideologies in return for state money.
There are few, desperately few institutes of higher education which follow
truth ruthlessly."
    Terence KEALEY (Lecturer in Clinical Biochemistry, University of
Cambridge), Spectator 21 viii 1999.

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