Re: near-anything boxes allowed to be in the hands of the public?

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 16:20:48 MST

> Spike Jones wrote:
> > Right! You almost said it here Greg. *Why* do you think this attitude
> > has finally changed? It because we have good battle simulators running...
> Michael S. Lorrey wrote: ...generals will prepare to fight by the latest
> generation combat simulator. Now you will have an arms race in simulator
> tactics and technology...

That works for me. The good guys are way ahead. {8-] Also, that is
one rare example of military technology that really does have good
commercial spinoffs: faster computers, more programmers, etc. Take
a look at some of the better flight simulators. You might be impressed
with the realism: they sim such subtleties as the moment of inertia
coupling, high speed sub-mach buffet, performace loss at altitude, the
real performance characteristics of the planes. Perhaps this will
eventually be seen as a first step in creating sims good enough to
fool an uploaded human. spike

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