Re: [Fwd: Corel Intel Deal in the making]

From: Bryan Moss (
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 11:04:40 MST

Mike Linksvayer wrote:

> Now, invoking Godwin's law, Bill Gates is powerful, Hitler
> was powerful, you appear to be defending Windows,
> therefore you're a Nazi sympathizer. The end.

No, you got me all wrong. I think Linux is an improvement
over Windows - I use Linux when I get the chance, and I've
even recommended Linux to friends! I just don't understand
why it's a "huge" improvement. Swapping Windows for Linux
on 95% of the worlds PCs is Big Thing; there's an
oppurtunity here for the industry to push an OS that really
is a huge improvement.

> > Both, they're interrelated. To do anything useful with
> > the UI requires changes to the architecture. And vice
> > versa.
> They aren't interrelated at all (well, perhaps they are in
> the case of Windows, and that's a major problem). Unix
> doesn't require what is usually thought of as a UI at
> all. All I need is port 23 (telnet) or some more secure
> alternative and I can do 100% of what I need to do day to
> day on a Unix box, including running any graphical
> applications remotely.

The user interface isn't just graphics, at the very least
changing the user interface in any significant way means
changing the file system (i.e. the way the user can interact
with 'objects' and other data, how they interact with each
other, etc; this can be done on a command line or a GUI or
whatever, it really doesn't matter).


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