Re: CFCs and ethics

From: Gina Miller (
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 22:54:54 MST

> > Steve wrote: (I think)

> > So, I don't think I came up with a bumper sticker here, as you mentioned
in your previous post, but I couldn't put it on my car anyway. (Darwin
fishes in my area are an stimulus to vandalize).
I had a Darwin fish on the back of my car, and one day, while bringing
groceries in, I noticed it was gone. It must have been some parking lot
scandal/statement. (A little ironic considering one of the commandments is
"thou shalt not steal")
I was a little disgruntled since I had only had it a few weeks Oh well,
another 8 bucks towards a catalog order.
Annoyed, but unphased, Gina

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