extro fools day

From: Spike Jones (spike66@ibm.net)
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 18:27:38 MST

> > ....collect every stupid thing that person ever posted, ever, by
> searching
> > thru achives, etc. Does this change the way we post? spike
> Amara Graps wrote: Sure it does.
> I was more boisterous and silly in some of my Usenet posts before the
> advent of Dejanews....

OK, Ive an idea. We can intentionally corrupt the never-forgetting
permanent internet database with a little game: we can declare a
specific day for writing parodies of each other and posting them.
Then at any time in the future, if Dan F. asks "do you deny having
written the following..." then we must truthfully answer, I dont know,
let me see it. This scheme will provide truthful deniability, forever.

Heres how it works. Since April fools day is coming up and extropians
do everything a little more than others, let us declare Sunday 2 April
extro fools day. On that day we pick our favorite extropian(s), write
a parody of their posts, immitating their style, etc, preferably with
a comic twist. We send that person the parody at which time, if
they are in a playful mood, they post as is, or modify, etc.

Ill give you an example of what I have in mind. I send Eliezer the

Eliezer may or may not have written the following:

"Extropian friends, it has occurred to me that I am running out of
time for making those fondly regretted memories of foolish things
done during my misspent youth. I have found that my elders
(e.g. Everyone) always get a wry smile while recalling some long
repented-of incident from their wild days.

I have decided to have a wild misspent youth, but I am constrained
to use only one day on this endevour (the Singularity waits, you know)
and so I solicit your ideas. How shall I generate all those fond memories
of youthful indiscretion under these time constraints? Eliezer"

etc. Then I send this to Eliezer on April 2, if he decides it is
sufficiently Eliezerlike, he posts it under his own name. Everyone
does this. For all eternity thereafter, just because something is
posted under your name does not mean you wrote it. spike

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