Re: near-anything boxes allowed to be in the hands of the public?

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 23:59:29 MST

Anders wrote,
>As I see it, this dilemma is important. It is maybe one of the most
>worrying socio-philosophical problems of transhumanism.

Yes, it's the most important problem I think anyone has identified here.

>Making people saner, putting safeguards into place, having an open
>debate about issues and applying the technology for protection (such
>as active shields for nano) might not be enough, but it buys us time
>and maneouvering room.

If the Singularity produces an SI, then of course we'll have to go along with
its prescriptions, Big Brother or not. Occasionally it occurs to me that the
only completely sane people have been the ones called "enlightened masters."

--J. R.

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