God's indifference to suffering?

From: john grigg (starman125@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 17:31:19 MST

Damien wrote:
"Given the total indifference to human suffering displayed by the almighty,
`playing God' involves twiddling one's thumbs while millions die in extreme
agony from horrible diseases. All this `putting an end to human
suffering'is surely the work of the devil."

I have pondered over this many times, myself. As a believer it bothers me
more then it might an atheist. A Mormon apologist might say that even a
long lifespan is a blink of an eye to God. We will look back on things in
the next life and remember our suffering as learning experiences and be even
more grateful for a glorious and perfected resurrected body to spend
eternity in.

Mormons believe that a big part of the test in this life is the simple
horrendous fact that life is so unfair. It is what we each make of what we
have and whether we get bitter toward God or have faith and do our best to
improve our lot and that of others around us, that is the big challenge.
Religious belief has motivated many people through history to reach out and
try to help others, sometimes dedicating whole lives to this, even though it
meant poverty and a shortened life. Could this be God's way of reaching out
to help ease the suffering?

So much of what I see in the world enrages me. When I study history I am
horrified by all the ignorance, poverty, war and disease that devastated
families and nations. Some of it people knowingly brought upon themselves
but much of it was out of their control. And right as of this moment in
time, to a great extent these evils still exist and inflict grievous
suffering on countless millions.

The petty things may actually bother me the most. The way life is so unfair
with a relative few being considered "physically attractive" and getting the
attention. I go occasionally to church dances where I see the plain looking
girls being ignored. I dance with them but sometimes feel self-conscious
about it. And the people who ignore them are supposed to be such fine
Christ-centered folks. I see evolutionary psychology in action.

I wish I had all the answers, which I don't. We have brains which allow us
to learn and master the world around us and we must do it to make this
planet a better place for human beings to live. I think this is the
greatest gift we have.


John Grigg

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