fleshing out the Extro-scout idea.....

From: john grigg (starman125@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 16:28:58 MST

Skye wrote:
I could almost see it now: extropian children's groups going from door to
door, collecting scrap metal and donations... speaking of which why *aren't*
there any Extro-scouts?

Considering his interest in wilderness adventure, Greg Burch could be the
first Extro-Scout scoutmaster! :) Doug Jones could be the rocketry merit
badge counselor! Max More could be the extropian philosopy merit badge
counselor! Natasha could be the counselor for the artistic aethetics merit
badge! Robert Bradbury would be counselor for the life extension merit
badge! Eliezer would be the counselor for the A.I. seed badge! Spike Jones
would be the space macro-engineering merit badge! Gina Miller would be the
counselor for the nanotech merit badge! And on an on....

There is such a reserve of talent on this list and I have barely scratched
the surface. If we all lived close enough to eachother and really wanted
to, we could start a first rate scout troop! "Oh, no, but they mention God
in scout pledges, I forgot!" lol

What would the extro-scout oath be like? How about the uniforms? What
other merit badges would we have? What kind of activities and jamboree's
would be held? And where? What would the ranks be like? I think Aristoi
would have to be the equivalant to Eagle scout! :)

I just thought of how we solve all the funding problems for cryonics and
transhuman ventures in general! We will have cute extro-girlscouts go forth
and sell extroscout cookies!! Chuck full of neuro-enhancing goodness!! :)

best wishes,

John Grigg
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