SOC/AGING: New York Times Article about a Conference on the Ethics of Life Extension

Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 09:40:17 MST

Here's the link:

(You have to register to get to the NYT pages, but it's free. No free archives,
however, so you have to read the story today)

The article quotes a vast number of deathists (both theologians and ethicists)
arguing that life-extension research (and any resulting technology) is bad. The
views of the one theologian in favor of life-extension are not presented in much
detail beyond "life is good."

While the deathists can't really complain about the presentation of their views,
I at least detect a sarcastic undertone to the article that paints them as
meddlesome busybodies who would force death and social opprobruim on those who
choose to live. Of course, maybe that undertone is not actually there, and is
just a figment of my own perceptual tunnel, which already feels that way about

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