RE: going for the theological highground and labeling others....

From: Don Klemencic (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 21:50:56 MST

This brings to mind a publication you might find interesting: Zygon, Journal
of Religion and Science. This quarterly journal was originally published by
the University of Chicago Press. It may not be extropian, but it's also not
fundamentalist or creationist. The writers are usually very knowledgeable
and undogmatic, and reality-oriented. Many articles are by scientists and a
few have even been by atheists. I've found a lot of interesting information
there over the years. If extropian ideas were ever to find common ground
with religion, this might be a place to attempt dialogue.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of john grigg
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 6:34 PM
Subject: going for the theological highground and labeling others....

Mike Lorrey wrote:
We need people who have theological training to develop a whole theological
basis (in several religions) for extropic concepts, and get them promoted in
both the religious and mainstream press. Once this is in place, the
reactionaries cannot lay sole claim to the theological 'high ground', and
they will be seen for what they truly are: oppressive luddites.

This is an interesting thought. It's good to understand where the other
person's perspective on things so you can better communicate with at least
the possibility of making a positive connection.

By having knowledgeable and compassionate individuals trained for what you
desire, it would be possible to gain positive impressions from their
memberships. This way, especially in a roundtable discussion, you will
develop goodwill rather then animosity.

But you may be going to far in saying that the theological "highground" will
be at least partially taken to the point where religious leaders will be
seen as oppressive luddites! If they are really against a certain thing
they will demand membership to "close ranks" and rally round interpretations
of core doctrines. They are the religious leader in touch with God
according to their group and not you, and so they can do this.

I would rather not have this happen because of a "us vrs. them" mentality
where people are labeled and then treated in a certain way. This has
already been discussed extensively on the list. We may not be able to
control their actions but we can control our reactions. Being understanding
and level-headed in public forums will take transhumanist views much
farther. I think Max and Natasha are good examples of trying to do this in
the mass media. And for now, they along with Robert Bradbury, Nick Bostrom
and a few others, are the one's who are dealing head-on with these issues
and doing the best they can.


John Grigg
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