Re: Christian evangelicals colliding with the singularity...

From: James Swayze (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 19:55:06 MST

Anders Sandberg wrote:
> James Swayze <> writes:
> > I headed off the issue of "playing god". I said, (paraphrasing
> > myself as it's been a while) "Some people would accuse me of
> > 'playing god' but I disagree. To play god, I would have to call
> > energy into existence from nothing and form that into matter. I'd
> > have to wait a few billion years for that to become life. I'd have
> > to wait a few more billion years for that life to become human
> > beings. Frankly, I don't have time to 'Play God', I'd rather just
> > use what's already here."
> Beautiful! You sound like a very good debater.

Thanks, I try to do my part when I can. I had a forensics teacher in college who
thought I was a natural. Only I wasn't allowed to debate with the team. I would
had to have been able to travel to other schools for eligibility. Being disabled
I was only able to travel in my own vehicle (the school's was not accessible). I
was not allowed because the school's insurance did not cover other than school
property. I couldn't even sign a waiver and provide my own insurance. So they
nor I was ever able to see just how good a debater I might be. <sigh> Guess I
lost the debate with them, huh? ;)


"Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas"
			    NOSTRADAMUS 15TH Century

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