having our dreams of a better world become real for not just us......

From: john grigg (starman125@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 14:57:34 MST

Spike wrote:
Seriously, all of our extropian dreams, all of our fond hopes for indefinite
life extension, pretty much everything we now live for depends upon the very
difficult task of lifting the masses of humanity out of superstition and
tyranny, a morass from which extrication sometimes seems nearly impossible.
But somehow we must manage it, otherwise the masses will likely prevent our
dreams from becoming reality. I guess this is dynamic optimism, to believe
that humanity *will* emerge from darkness.

It is a sad thought that many will grow old faster then necessary and even
die (sometimes painful and slow death's from disease) because researchers
were slowed down or even stopped in their efforts to further science.

One thing to remember, though. It is those who are already born to this
world who dwell on this so much! I believe that Neal and Ariana's future
grandchildren will have it made! lol We want to save our own butts first!

If there is a gift we can give future generations, it is the one of freedom.
  We ourselves owe so much to the founding fathers who wrote the American
constitution and fought for it's implementation. Now, there are those who
would (even in the name of law and order) strip away our rights, layer upon

We must leave a legacy of having fought the good fight to preserve our civil
liberties for not just this generation but future ones. The scenario Spike
gave where cameras were everywhere and privacy was violated in a world of
plenty really alarmed me. This would be a noble cause for the Extropy
Institute and it's membership to fight for.


John Grigg
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