Re: Christian evangelicals colliding with the singularity...

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 12:11:26 MST

>From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>
>The reason why this sort of thing happens is that rational people are
>loathe to
>delve into theology, which is the memespace that these arguments originate
>and so the reactionaries are conceded the originating territory from which
>can assail progressive concepts. Activist extropians must first wash out
>distaste and take an active part in the theological debate, do no concede
>territory from the start. With such predecessors as Teilhard des Chardins
>originated their Omega Point theories completely within the context of
>our concepts are not strangers to religion. We need people who have
>training to develop a whole theological basis (in several religions) for
>extropic concepts, and get them promoted in both the religious and
>press. Once this is in place, the reactionaries cannot lay sole claim to
>theological 'high ground', and they will be seen for what they truly are:
>opressive luddites.

I would probably be a decent candidate for this assignment, but I would not
volunteer (and if elected would not serve), simply because I no longer can
morally espouse or attempt to justify irrational beliefs, such as religion.
Any irrational belief system is wholly based on one's subjective world view.
  Without objective evidence from which to start, any debate on this level
is a time-wasting exercise of "I'm right and you're wrong because I just
know it."

Better to leave the theists to their own devices until their mouths begin to
water watching us live in health and wealth for hundreds of years with no
sign from God that he's pissed off about it.


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