Re: imaging the world

From: Neal Marin (
Date: Sun Mar 05 2000 - 18:38:54 MST

> For instance, my brother is a normal person. He
> relates
> so well to others. I watch him and try to figure
> out how he
> does it. He can meet a new person and within
> minutes
> can understand and relate. I simply cant do that.
> His thought
> patterns seem utterly bizarre to me, yet he is the
> social butterfly.
> Im the social... cockroach.
Wow...that sounds astonishingly like the situation
between my sister and myself...I being the
"cockroach", naturally...

>I do fine at the
> nanoschmoozes,
> but at a neighborhood party, forget it! I can meet
> a random
> person, talk for five minutes, at the close of which
> we both
> are thinking: What is the MATTER with you?
hmmm....that sounds like the situation between myself
and my sister, too....*grin* probably not the best
thing to be able to associate with your own sibling...
> Surely this extro-group has spent serious time with
> introspection.
> Why are we so 3 sigma NT-ish? Why can we discuss
> such
> things as uploading, uplifting, singularity, space
> cables,
> qualia, cryonics, nanotech... well pretty much all
> the
> bizarre stuff we talk about, and none of us even
> thinks it
> the least bit... strange? Its this, friends: most
> all of us here
> must have some mental architecture that is wired
> seriously
> different, yet we have all become quite skillful in
> compensating,
> in *acting like* normal humans, in order to get
> along in this
> century on this planet where we are trapped, this
> world filled
> with huuuumans.

Neal Marin
"Why should I feel lonely?
Is not our planet in the Milky Way?"
Henry David Thoreau
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