Re: H. G. Wells

Date: Sat Mar 04 2000 - 22:49:04 MST

In a message dated 03/05/2000 12:18:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Raymond Massey delivers his lines staring at the sky with an expression of
> fervor. As he says "still, he will be beginning!" his eyelids drop and the
> expression changes to ecstasy. Hearing those words the first time-"still,
> be beginning!"-I felt my mind expanding. I felt a kind of intellectual joy,
> and the thought in my mind could only be described as something like "Yes!
> Yes!" That was a meme executed by a master. Hook, line and sinker!

I enjoyed the movie and the book was even better. The film was produced by
the Korda Bros. in London during 1935- and released 1936. Yet, at the end of
it all, HG Wells himself went nuts, painting demons on the walls of his flat.
He probably suffered depression, and getting old, and living through the war,
plus booze must've tipped his world view-no blame on HG! Is the human
condition any better? Perhaps a bit, with better communication ,and better
understanding of gerontology, psycho-pharmacology, and having succeeded for a
little while in avoiding a mass outbreak of nuclear-itis. I personally
rather like the cynical cyberpunk genre' better as I have 'oldend-up' better
then the Stapledon, Clarke, Egan style. Seems somehow, more tactile to me,
but then there's no accounting for taste?

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