Re: english schminglish

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Sat Mar 04 2000 - 11:12:23 MST

>From: Spike Jones <> Fri, 03 Mar 2000
>> ... express velocities in horseturds per fortnight... {8^D spike
>> Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
>> Due to the predominantly US membership, I made it in Her
>> Majesties Royal units,
>> though I admit that even when I was in school in the 80's
>> (high school physics),
>> english units were used at least half the time.
>Mike someone asked me the other day what was 7.4 meters in
>English units. I said very loudly "English schmingliiiish! Think metric!"

How about cgs? (centimeter-gram-sec)

Those are the astronomers' units. Unfortunately, cgs *electrodynamics*
calculations are not as easy to use, (and I find those units really
weird) and it's easy to forget a 1/c or (4 pi eps_0) or some such thing.
But plasmas are everywhere in the Universe, so we are faced with
cgs electrodynamics equations sometimes.

elementary charge = e = 4.8E-10 statCoulomb

current = 1 statC/sec = (1/3)E-9 ampere

Potential is statC/cm, which doesn't grok with me at all,
so I have to make a conversion:

==> e(SI)/e(cgs)=3.335E-10C. Then to convert potential from cgs-SI,
I must multiply (3.335E-10/(4 pi eps_0) *10^2 (in meter)
= 299.7, final units in Volts

Maybe horseturds per fortnight makes sense to me now. :{


Amara Graps | Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik
Interplanetary Dust Group | Saupfercheckweg 1
+49-6221-516-543 | 69117 Heidelberg, GERMANY *
        "Never fight an inanimate object." - P. J. O'Rourke

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