Re: CR pill?

From: Brian Manning Delaney (
Date: Sat Mar 04 2000 - 09:36:35 MST wrote:

> This research is REALLY exciting.

Yes indeed. Those of us on CR [1] look forward to the day when the benefits of
the diet can be reaped without the hassles of the diet. (Why more
life-extensionists aren't on the diet remains a puzzle to me. Scientific
optimism is a big part of it, from what I've gathered; dislike of dieting being
an obvious additional factor.)

> What's just as interesting, though, is how
> obviously careful the researchers were to
> say that they WEREN'T trying to extend
> human life-span, but only the period of
> health and vitality.

Yes. This was fascinating. The care going into such statements has increased
greatly in the last year.

> It's obvious to me that folks doing the real work in
> this area are truly afraid to talk about increases
> in human longevity as their goal.

Surprisingly, though, many (though not most) scientists say the same thing
privately that they say publicly, i.e., they, in fact, are not interested in
extending human life span. Seems odd to me. But the science is quite fascinating
in and of itself, and some of these researchers are simply jazzed about their
work per se, and that's it. Could have an impact on political decisions that
will be made in the future about this, though....



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