regarding Eliezer's take on labor and careers...

From: john grigg (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 02:16:29 MST

Eliezer wrote:
) Labor: Enormously tight labor market and rich techies eventually results
in democratic, employee-driven pseudo-corporations being formed, run to suit
the employees, and work life finally becomes livable.

I can remember how in the eighties, companies would boast of flextime and
providing childcare to show how progressive they were. I would like to see
the pseudo company become common if it could be competitive by being well
run. I remember a 60 Minutes story about a steel mill where the workers
actually bought it and then ran it for a profit.

He continued:
alternatively, "work" will cease to take center place in our lives, in the
same way that "farming" has gone from 98% of the economy to 2% of the

Cool! So we only work for personal satisfaction and for status? Sounds
good to me! The farming analogy is interesting. I suppose you meant
working for the base necessities of life. I could see powerful gov't and
corporate interests wanting to stop this level of prosperity and personal
freedom from ever happening, though.

best regards,

John Grigg
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