Re: Orbital Towers.

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 20:51:40 MST

Darin Sunley wrote:

> It was my impression that if one wanted a reasonably circular orbit, the
> only altitude one could jump into orbit from is the altitude of
> goesynchronous orbit.

Thats a good question, one that I want to work on. If one went
up about an earth diameter on a cable and let go, what would
be the shape of that orbit? Also, I have sharpened my calcs a
bit and found that the whole question of climbing a cable and
letting go to get into a minimal orbit might be wrong: I found a
flaw in my reasoning today. I have probably already been
pummeled by Doug Jones on this, but havent gotten that far
in my messages. {8^D spike

Doug, I *do* appreciate your catching my errors. {8-] s

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