Frito-Lay Pro GE?

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 17:06:40 MST

        Despite the alleged stand Frito-Lay took as being against genetic
engineering of food, I just received a seemingly generic response stating
somewhat differently. It is as follows:


Thank you for contacting Frito-Lay. We are always pleased when our
take the time to share their thoughts with us.

Now that there is a renewed interest in biotechnology by regulatory agencies

and some consumer concern exists, we did not feel it appropriate to ask our
growers to include bt crops in what they sell us.

Just like other food companies, Frito-Lay relies on and supports the
agencies charged with safeguarding our food supply when sourcing ingredients

for our products. These agencies continue to report that genetically
ingredients are perfectly safe.

Since we are also a large buyer of agricultural commodities, and more than a

quarter of the North American crop is derived from biotechnology, just like
other food companies, we could have biotechnology ingredients in our

Thank you for taking the time to contact Frito-Lay. We hope this
is helpful.

Frito-Lay Consumer Affairs

Reference #: AAAA-4GLNN4

Original Text:

To: Consumer Affairs/Frito-Lay/US@Frito-Lay
From: "E. Shaun Russell" <>@SMTP@Exchange
Date: 02/17/2000 01:06:49 AM
Subject: GE Foods

Email Body:
 Dir Sir or Madam
 As the genetic engineering of foods is done on a very basic cellular
level, it is an extremely far-fetched guess that any potential health
concerns could come to fruition. Though Frito-Lay is indeed a public
company whose business relies upon the market's acceptance of the product,
a premature stand against GE will likely be detrimental to the science as a
whole. By compromising the company's initial standards, you will give the
public the impression that GE *is* harmful, and while Frito-Lay will likely
see a raise in profits, these will only be attributed
to misinformation and the compromising of any potential integrity the
company has heretofore possessed.
 In the name of integrity and scientific justice, please withhold your
stand until thorough tests prove the truth one way or another.
       -E. Shaun Russell

E. Shaun Russell Extropian, Musician, ExI Member <KINETICIZE *YOUR* POTENTIAL>

*The creation of the future is in the creation of the present*

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