Re: EI conferences

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 17:04:23 MST

Alejandro Dubrovsky wrote:

> >
> > >
> > > [By the way, in 2010, July 11, there's a total solar eclipse going
> > > through Easter Island. How's that for a "destination" Extropy
> > > Institute location?! Count me in on that one.]
> >
> > We could plan ahead, if Zyvex pushes up nanotech a bit we might
> > be able to fly our air cars there ourselves, rather than trying
> > to book 250 extropians onto a single plane flight (can you even
> > fly to Easter Island???).
> Yes, you can. Frequent flights from Chile (Lan Chile airlines). I'm not
> sure if there would be any place which could hold 250 people comfortably
> (ok, i was there about 10 years ago, for an hour only, but the bits i saw on
> the tour trip to the totems and back seemed very poor and backwards, even by
> south american standards, not very extropic)

I heard they did a bit of development in preparation for the new years,
including changing their time zone so they would be the first place to
experience the new year. Don't know how MUCH they developed it.

Michael S. Lorrey
Owner, Lorrey Systems
Director, Grafton County Fish & Game Assoc.
Member, Extropy Institute
Member, National Rifle Association
"Live Free or Die, Death is not the Worst of Evils."
                   - General John Stark

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