Re: future of intelligence?

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 16:53:24 MST wrote:

> In a message dated 2/26/2000 11:01:40 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> << To denigrate the weakening of the definition of intelligence >
> You keep saying 'including abilities denigrates, or weakens intelligence'.
> Explain how this happens. I see no reason that adding other abilities to
> intelligence somehow magically waters mathematical / verbal abstract
> reasoning down. It doesn't makes that behavior less valuable, inherently, it
> just raises other behaviors up. That's like saying if other people get
> taller, you'll be shorter.

Not at all. Lets say that the Anti-Grey Defamation League decides that grey is
discriminated against because its not considered a real color by publishers,
graphic artists, painters, etc... Since white is considered a color, and
there is
so much use of white everywhere (its the default color on a blank page), the
proponents of grey decide that they will promote the idea that pure white is
merely one type of white, and that there are many other whites out there,
including all the different types of grey. Grey won't be called grey anymore,
because thats demeaning. Instead grey will be called 'a shade of white'. This
becomes popular in academia and the popular media, as well as with major
pro-grey-ist organizations like the teachers unions, etc. who propagandize the
concept to all of the different publications in the libraries of the world,
saying that all colors are merely different shades of white, and that white has
no real meaning. At this point, its obvious that white NO LONGER has any real
meaning, because the nut jobs have used their propaganda to destroy the whole
concept of white.

> Two, you also assert "the universal all-importance of symbolic reasoning".
> Are you asserting that the universe has an interest in this particular
> value? (or perhaps you are in communication with other, more advanced
> civilizations, on the planet Xeroc who have unlocked the chemistry of the
> brain in advance of our limited efforts here on earth; -)

Oh, here we go again. I suppose you are one of the sort of people who think
other intelligent species on other planets will develop mathematical
systems that
make them unable to understand our math.

Michael S. Lorrey
Director, Grafton County Fish & Game Assoc.
Member, Extropy Institute
Member, National Rifle Association
"Live Free or Die, Death is not the Worst of Evils."
                   - General John Stark

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