Re: The spark of creativity

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 08:02:19 MST

From: "rick strongitharm" <>

>In the early 70's Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead addressed
>different classes I was attending at the University of Western
>Ontario. Bateson lectured about cybernetics, and the "double
>bind" theory as a cause of schizophrenia, and everything in
>between, in an hour or so. Mead, sometime in the same semester,
>addressed one of my anthropology classes. Coincidently, if I
>remember correctly, they had recently separated from some sort of
>a relationship.

Bateson and Mead were married for a time.

>I had enrolled at UWO to study linguistics and anthropology with
>the single objective of returning to the "mission field" as a
>Bible translator to indigenous jungle people (as I've mentioned
>before). In the brief encounters I had with Bateson and Mead, my
>mind, for twenty odd years locked more securely than any chastity
>belt, was pried open. I was astounded by the scope of reference
>each so comfortably, and easily drew from. They gave me curiosity
>and the joy of questions.

I concur, When I read Bateson's "Mind and Nature" I was so
astonished I began to reread it as soon as I had finished the first
reading, I read it again several times in the following months.

He opened my mind further than anyone else with the possible
exception of R. Buckminster Fuller.


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