Re: I'm happy to hear the surgery went well!!

From: James Swayze (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 19:10:26 MST

James Swayze, like a royal dumbass, wrote:
> John,
> Yes I do have a lot of catching up to do. Let's see 450 email messages...hmmm
> let me see here...hmmm it says half are from you! ;)p LOL Well not really but
> man you are the busiest beaver on the Extrop list. How are you doing? I was
> getting around to sending you an individual message about being back but things
> happened and you beat me to it.
> I am feeling well and there isn't much pain. I was sooo tired before the
> surgery. I have my days and nights turned around so the last time I slept was
> the morning till the afternoon of Wednesday. That night I was awake as usual and
> unable t get to sleep anyway and trying to get messages out and read. Then
> Thursday I couldn't sleep during the day because I had to go to the hospital for
> pre-op check in and testing. Back home again I still couldn't sleep and had last
> minute messages to go out. I stayed awake for the surgery and only had a spinal
> block and local anesthesia. After it was done around 11 am I went to my room and
> began to eat (hadn't eaten since 12 am the night before--the rules--got only two
> bites of a sandwich) when they whisked me away to radiation therapy to irradiate
> the knee to discourage re-growth of the errant bone material. Back to the room I
> finally eat and wouldn't you know it I got my second, hmmm maybe third by now,
> wind! Later at 8 pm there was a movie with Extropian leanings I tried to watch
> but by then I was finally too tired to put up with it's lame plot and backyard
> acting.
> I wish there was a way to winnow some of the chaff from the list mailings. Such
> as not in the area of extropianism or those less than 10 word responses an
> especially short stinging quips. How do you filter that can't. Oh
> well....450 emails yet to go through. :(
> Hey how are you doing lately? Have you heard from your Aussie friend? Are the
> new meds working? Maybe so based on the level of your activity. You know as I
> read your posts I even more so find it difficult to convince myself of your
> disability in learning. Wish there was a way for you to earn a living
> commentating. Well back to the grind. ;)

John has my profound apology. The above was meant to be private. I had not
noticed it was a list mailing. I thought he had emailed me directly. I in no way
meant to share personal information, once intrusted to me, so freely on the
Extropian list. I don't mind the information about me to be out there but I had
no right to involve the list with personal matters regarding John. I assure you
it was a gross mistake made from carlessness alone and certainly was not
intended. That hardly lessens the consequence though. I'm so very sorry John.


"Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas"
			    NOSTRADAMUS 15TH Century

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