Re: News info & Newsbots & Neuro

From: ct (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 14:13:45 MST

> Rob Sweeney:
> Some of us aren't using mail clients that make it trivial to pop up
> browsers, and some of us are connecting across very low-speed
> connections
> ------------------------------
> James:
> ...The basic gist of the item was a
> new way to pack ... at far higher densities than
> currently possible...

I am searching for a highly definable newsbot. Please let me know if you
have one to recommend.

"Newsbots trawl the Web and help you find precisely the news you want.
There are many newsbots to choose from, so we reviewed the best-known ones."

I am trying out NewsHub, but would appreciate even a higher degree of

In 'My NewsHub' today:
"Emory researchers discover a neurological link between language and
predictability that operates without conscious awareness"


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