Re: See you there!

From: Ken Kittlitz (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 16:00:52 MST

At 05:23 PM 2/29/00 -0500, Rob Sweeney wrote:

>On first read, I assumed he meant the Singularity itself (I mean,
>anonymous benefactor, terribly shocked, you know..). On second read I'm
>still not sure.. and becoming concerned.

This might clarify things:

>Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 13:59:00 -0800
>From: Foresight Institute <>
>Subject: Foresight Gathering May 19-21: register by March 1 to save $100
>Foresight Reconnaissance Weekend:
>"Confronting Singularity"
>Spring 2000 Senior Associate Gathering
>May 19 evening - May 21
>Palo Alto, California
>DEADLINE March 1 for early registration rate
>In the next one-to-three decades, we expect to see these capabilities:
>* "strong" nanotechnology" * encrypted private currencies * genetic
>engineering of humans
>* thorough surveillance and sensing, able to detect what you ate, drank,
>and smoked last night
>* advanced machine intelligence (call it what you will) * the end of aging
>* bio/chem/nano weapons of mass destruction * human civilization
>expanding into space
>Survey these prospects with 300 of the most forward-looking people around
>-- those who are
>paying the most attention to what's coming and how it will affect you and
>yours over the next
>10-30 years and beyond. At this event we'll be exploring what can be
>known about the world
>we're being pushed into -- closer every second -- and how we can influence
>the outcome by
>influencing initial conditions.
>Not sure? See rave reviews of the 1999 event at:
>Who comes to these? Last year's group included J. Baldwin, Greg Bear,
>Gregory Benford,
>David Brin, Eric Drexler, Esther Dyson, Doug Engelbart, Dan Gillmor, John
>Gilmore, Ray Kurzweil,
>Doug Lenat, Ralph Merkle, Bob Poole, Virginia Postrel, Eric Raymond,
>Vernor Vinge, Roy Walford.
>The 1999 event sold out months early. PLEASE register soon to reserve
>your place.
>If you have trouble accessing the secure registration form, you can print
>the form at
> and register by
>fax at
>+1 (650) 917-1123. Please call if you have any questions: +1 (650) 917-1122.
>Hope to see you there!
>--Christine Peterson, Executive Director, Foresight Institute

Ken Kittlitz Administrator, Foresight Exchange
AudeSi Technologies Inc. personal:

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