I do not want Robert Bradbury as our tour guide!! : )

From: john grigg (starman125@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 17:09:22 MST

Robert Bradbury on discussing locations for an extro writes:
It also has merits I can't think of a better group than Extropians to
encourage those with an Arab/Moslem mentality to come to grips with some of
their dysfunctional traditions.

You are going to get us all killed!! I can just see it where you and other
extropians are explaining how illogical Arabic/Islamic ways are in your view
when all of a sudden these "westernized" and "liberal" Arabs have a
knee-jerk reaction and we all get stoned to death or shot!! Be careful,

Robert wrote:
We could plan ahead, if Zyvex pushes up nanotech a bit we might be able to
fly our air cars there ourselves, rather than trying to book 250 extropians
onto a single plane flight

Now that is a flight of fancy that appeals to me! We could camp out under
the stars! It would be the equivalent of an extropian boy scout jamboree!
:) Max, how about starting up an organization called the "Extroscouts!"

I truly dream about owning a Moller aircar. I want to be FREE to go where I
want, compared to how things are now. I am tired of feeling a slave of high
airline ticket prices or LONG drives in a car. Just as alot of young people
now can't imagine a world without the internet, I bet twenty years from now
many won't be able to imagine things without an aircar in just about every

best wishes,

John Grigg
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