Against Transhumanism

From: Bostrom,N (pg) (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 16:09:58 MST

A page critical of transhumanism found on the web:

"In any event, if the transhumanists have their way (and I doubt that there
is any scientific reason why they couldn't, though I get some comfort from
the probability that the technology is still decades away), we will still
face the problem of a world divided between mankind and one or more
"posthuman" super-races. I shudder to think of the fate of those not ready,
willing or able to join their glittery, sinister utopia. If the "posthumans"
are so powerful and so alien, they would have no more compunction about
exterminating us than invading Martians would."

Nick Bostrom
Dept. Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method
London School of Economics
Email: <>
Homepage <>

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