Re: improving one's ability to focus....

From: Skye (
Date: Sun Feb 27 2000 - 22:02:52 MST

I think I might try autohypnosis, just for the hell of
it. It's not spiffy, it isn't a chemical or a
machine, but it might be kind of fun. I'll see if I
can get a white noise tape while I'm at it.

--- john grigg <> wrote:
> Skye wrote:
> What I mean is, a mode where one subject or problem
> holds your attention
> strongly to the exclusion of all other objects...
> (end)
> This state is known as "hyperfocus" and is sometimes
> common for people with
> learning disabilities and attention deficit
> disorder. They can have trouble
> getting focused to begin with but once they do, they
> lock on like a pit bull
> and don't want to let go to the exclusion sometimes
> of other tasks and even
> eating.
> Skye wrote:
> if it was possible tocreate a site-specific timed
> neurodepressant, you could
> get the same sort of increased focus you get from,
> for example, caffeine, to
> a much higher degree for a short time... by
> depressing the brain's
> "interrupt factor". Or, you could play with
> stimulating it, to keep yourself
> out of a rut...
> (end)
> Prescription only drugs such as ritalin, adderall,
> cylert and dexadrine
> already are designed to do this to at least some
> extent. The theory is that
> a part of the frontal lobe is underactive for some
> people and the rest of it
> tries to overcompensate for this which creates
> attention deficit disorder.
> My understanding is that ritalin and other drugs do
> not have the beneficial
> effects for those without the a.d.d. challenge.
> Also ritalin is a
> controlled substance being is a central nervous
> system stimulant, similar to
> amphetamines in the nature and duration of its
> effects.
> Many people with a.d.d. love their coffee because
> they find the coffee does
> give increased focus where for others it would
> simply overstimulate.
> There are other methods to gaining focus. They
> range from meditation,
> biofeedback (which takes training and some fairly
> expensive equipment), and
> various tapes of white or pink noise that are said
> to put the mind in a
> focused state. Good luck with finding better ways
> to focus.
> sincerely,
> John Grigg
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