EI conferences

From: Amara Graps (amara@amara.com)
Date: Sun Feb 27 2000 - 14:04:46 MST

From: "Robert J. Bradbury" <bradbury@www.aeiveos.com>:

>Query: How many Extropians would be interested in and able to attend
>an Extropy convention at a "destination" location (e.g. the Burj, if
>they had a year or two of advance notice to budget for the trip???)
>[For reference, Seattle to Dubai(RT):$~1500 + 4 nights @ $258/n = $~2500
>+ conference fee: $500 = $~3000?.]

That particular place might not be so fun for some of us (women) because
of the local, religious customs.

If there's a solar eclipse nearby, that would make the excursion much more
enticing. In the year 2006, and 2009, a solar eclipse might pass nearby
(I'd have to check the eclipse paths).

[By the way, in 2010, July 11, there's a total solar eclipse going
through Easter Island. How's that for a "destination" Extropy
Institute location?! Count me in on that one.]

My vote would be for someplace interesting and exotic, but perhaps
easier to travel to like Budapest. The city has Turkish baths (31 thermal
baths are spread out all over the city), it looks to me that M.C. Escher
took some of his ideas for his twisty-turvy-up-the-down-staircase
drawings from Budapest's Fisherman's Bastion, the country has a long
history of incredibly bright scientists, they adore hot peppers,
and they have gypsy music. What more can you want?

Other interesting and exotic locations that I can recommend for
an ExI conference are Tallinn (Estonia), Bratislava (Slovakia),
Riga (Latvia), Brno (Czech Republic). They all have special
histories (besides the former communistic aspect), they are very
lovely cities, are not too famous yet (Prague is great, but famous
and getting expensive), are really worth exploring, and the people
there are changing fast and open to new ideas.


Amara Graps | Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik
Interplanetary Dust Group | Saupfercheckweg 1
+49-6221-516-543 | 69117 Heidelberg, GERMANY
Amara.Graps@mpi-hd.mpg.de * http://galileo.mpi-hd.mpg.de/~graps
        "Never fight an inanimate object." - P. J. O'Rourke

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