Re: META: Different Medias???

Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 20:06:21 MST

In a message dated 2/25/2000 6:55:40 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<<Also, you seem to have
 a life. Get rid of it, immediately. >>

Eugene, is that why you never come visit us anymore???? : ( : ( : ( !!!
(Hey, if you're online all the time, should we look for a "Eugene-cam "site
anytime soon? That'd be fun!!)

OR you could do what many of us do, be on the list for as long as it is
producctive, remove yourself for months at a time when the noise ratio or
subject matter gets annoying, or, you get busy & you simply dont have time to
read or post!

It is posted on the net, by the way. You can always read the archives, though
they take time to update.

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