Re: What is intelligence (Was Re: neuro mods.....)

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 23:35:32 MST

>In a message dated 2/24/2000 9:30:14 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
><< Seems pretty obvious to me that you don't have to be very intelligent to
> experience emotion, laughter and fun. Monkeys seem to experience all
> not to mention human idiots. Although creativity certainly takes some
> degree of intelligence, it could be argued that creativity is simply the
> ability to solve a problem in a unique way.
> >>
>One also doesn't have to be "very intelligent" to solve problems, monkeys
>rats do ti all the time. One needs a modicum of intelligence to get a
>of humor.

I think that to the extent that rats and monkeys are problem solvers, they
have some degree of intelligence. But you have to keep in mind the
difficulty/complexity of the "problems" they are solving. Intelligence
(like most things) is a question of degree.

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