Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 22:03:03 MST

Oh yeah. But for whatever reason Ocean Thermal is non-profitable, or
technically impractical. I just saw a presentation on CNN about the
algae/hydrogenase thing. I am still doubtful because CNN presented two other
breakthroughs that I re-call. One was Nitinol, which also was supposed to
power civilization. The other was Bogdan Maglich's Migma reactor concept.
Both proved to be non-developable.

In a message dated 02/24/2000 10:57:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> but back to the energy idea......I like the idea of the 'hydrogen
> economy"....this makes two possible routes to make it work..
> The first route was off shore OTEC's....
> EvMick

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