Re: Intelligence, the only one real kind?

Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 20:58:56 MST

I think I am onto something!
You are saying that you have worked hard to possess logical, hard
intelligence, and it's no f**gin' damn fun! You and many others POSSESS this
trait, and others don't!
They haven't worked for intelligence, these mental process comes NATCHERAL,
like "feelings" -- so they can't claim it.

OK, and you are pissed because lately other people are saying that they don't
value your hard earned logic MORE than other kind of mental activities, such
as musical abilities, creativity, physical grace, humor, sensory aesthetics
-- all pure poppycock!!!

IF a mental process is fun, sexy AND sensuous, it cant POSSIBLY be real.
(No matter how much work it takes to get there = ).
Must be only for new-agers and damn artists... not real men...
(except most artists use Macs, not me though, I'm PC all the way)

Your non-intelligent, ultra creative pure love force,
    --and puritan work ethic avoider,
Queen of Art and Love

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