Re: neuro mods.....

Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 19:46:23 MST

In a message dated 2/24/2000 5:16:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< PC as in politically correct. Intelligence is merely one group of processes
 that must be developed. The 'emotion','creativity','social ability', and
 abilities of the human mind are other processes. They are not intelligences,
 they are abilities. We could go in the other direction and say that
 the human mind does is an emotion. Logical thinking is an emotion, creative
 thinking is an emotion, social ability is an emotion, etc. ad nauseum. The
 reason the current social scientists are trying to call every human mental
 ability an 'intelligence' is because real intelligence is the most respected
 human ability, and they are trying to make every other ability be perceived
 being of equal value. Its pure politically correct poppycock.

Oh that kind of PC, well that means nothing to me. I haven't the slightest
clue what's corret in yoru mind, or in someone else's. What I do know is that
for a computer to display intelligence that is HUMAn in nature, it needs to
display humor, creativity, originality, poppy cock and much, much more than
dry, IBM logic.
Nausea is optional.

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