Re: Predictions by Kurzweil

From: Skye (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 17:50:40 MST

Yes, but what that would mean then is that by so
computing you would disprove them by saying that the
things which people define them by are false. If you
say that something called a "fizzle" had four legs and
I see something you call a fizzle that does not have
four legs, either your definition is wrong or your
identification of the fizzle is wrong. If it don't
talk like a duck and it don't walk like a duck, then
it is a non-duck object. Therefore....
if we've computed qualia....
they aren't.
I thought that's what I had gotten across before.
Otherwise, we need a different definition of qualia
that doesn't include non computability.

--- sayke <> wrote:
> At 03:02 PM 2/24/00 -0800, you wrote:
> >Er...except qualia are supposedly
> >non-computable...which means finding the laws that
> run
> >them would render them non-qualia.
> well, lets say i 'have the qualia' of seeing a red
> button in front of me,
> which is hooked up to my visual cortex in a complex
> way. when i 'have the
> qualia' of pushing that button, i promptly 'get the
> qualia' of a red tint
> to my vision. moreover, i 'get the qualia' of seeing
> a computer monitor
> output what seems to be a high-quality rendering of
> my visual qualia; that
> is, a red-tinted (black/dark tinted?) picture of a
> computer monitor, ad
> infinitum... then, on another nearby monitor, i 'get
> the qualia' of seeing
> what seems to be the status of an ongoing neural
> translation program, in
> which it seems that the qualia of what i see is
> being interpeted and output
> on a monitor with higher resolution then my eyes
> have..
> old thought experment, i know, and i'm aware that
> its sorta been done in a
> cat... but cmon. would my qualia have just been
> computed, in some sense? if
> not, what can be said to be happening? and yea, i
> know how godelian
> concerns would factor in here... and i'm aware of
> the uncertainty involving
> everything empirical, etc... but, if the above
> situation couldn't be called
> computing an aspect of qualia, i'm not sure what
> would be.
> sayke, v2.3.05
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