Re: Uploading and Consciousness (was: electronic intelligence andethics)

From: sayke (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 15:48:32 MST

At 02:45 PM 2/24/00 EST, QueenMUSE wrote:
>In a message dated 2/24/2000 11:24:39 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
><< Consciousness is not some magic thing
> which floats around waiting to be embodied in one brain or another. It is a
> result, in your current organic brain, of a set of neurons performing some
> operation. >>
>That's like saying the meal is a result of the stove heating up the pot!
>You're forgetting a whole series of chemical reactions - sometimes called
>"the soup'.

        why should the substrate matter? do you support one of the quantum
consciousness theories...? incidentally, i read, in _science news_ about a
theory of quantum consciousness that was unaffected by tegmark's
findings... anybody know whereof i speak? the relevent copy of science news
seems to be missing from the library shelves here, and to get to the
tegmark article online requires a paid subscription. pointers, anybody?

sayke, v2.3.05 //frontline assembly kicks my ass.

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