Procedure for unsubscribing (was: Re: [Re: examples of optimistic and extropic fiction.....])

Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 15:30:51 MST

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> "Zero Powers" <> wrote:
> >From: "Bryan Moss" <>
> >
> >KPJ wrote:
> >
> > > The ``The First Immortal'' reminded me somewhat of various
> > > Heinlein books due to the preacherous approach, which I
> > > have an allergic reaction to. It set off my big, red
> > > ``CONDITION RED:MEME INFECTION ATTEMPT'' warning signal so
> > > it hardly made any impact in my meme pool.
> >
> >I just rely on my, "if he knew what he was talking about he
> >wouldn't be writing fiction" meme. It seems to work.
> I'd be kind of wary of that meme in light of such fiction novelists
> as Carl
> Sagan and Arthur C. Clarke. You might want to substitute for the
> "if I was
> looking for science fact I wouldn't be reading science fiction" meme?
> -Zero
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