Re: Zero Powers' recent post

From: Skye (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 23:26:53 MST

--- Bill Douglass <> wrote:
> Zero Powers wrote:
> >I know the general consensus is that GM food is OK.
> But the same > >thing
> >was
> >thought about such things as cigarette smoking,
> silicone breasts and
> >thalydomide (sp?) once upon a time. Sure maybe GM
> stuff is
> >harmless, but my goal is long life. I ain't taking
> any chances ;)
> Thalidomide: As Jeff points out in another post, it
> has been shown to be a
> beneficial drug in some instances. Too bad it was
> completely banned for so
> long.
> Smoking: I don't advocate smoking, but it is worth
> noting that smokers
> almost never get Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.
> Also, as has been
> discussed on this list, nicotine has been shown to
> be a potent nootropic. I
> can even remember consuming a Red Bull-type energy
> drink in Myanmar a couple
> years ago, which had nicotine as an ingredient.
> Silicon breast implants, which is what I think you
> were referring to with
> your comment about "silicone breasts": What makes
> you think silicon breast
> implants are harmful, on a par with smoking? Just
> because some trial
> lawyers and non-scientist juries have said so? In
> fact, I have yet to see
> compelling scientific evidence that this is the
> case, and I'm not aware that
> such was presented in any of those lawsuits against
> Dow. If anyone on this
> list has such, I would love to see it. As far as I
Compelling evidence, or implants? *grins evilly* just
kidding, I know what you meant:)
> can tell, the massive
> litigation over these implants has been one of the
> greatest legal plunders
> of our time.
> Best wishes to all,
> Bill
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