
From: Skye (skyezacharia@yahoo.com)
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 23:02:09 MST

Looking over the posts, I realise that a)lacking
money, and b)lacking serious programming knowledge (I
know a little bit of logo, javascript, html, dhtml,
basic(ok, so I *used* to know a little bit of basic,
when I was...around six, but close enough), and a
*teensy* bit of VRML...but as far as C++ or any other
"serious" programming languages, I may well be
toast.... my suggestion that I help set up a
searchable database (the extropian finder) might be a
little ludicrous... I was just thinking something
simple, like the search engines they stick in
websites, linked to an index of some kind... All of a
sudden I read through these posts and I hear talk
about exchanging hardware platforms, setting up
special computer systems... *mutters* I don't think
I'm going to be much help. I could go out and find
some photographs and digitally alter them if you want
some nice art though... *laughs again*. Hmmm... I
think soon I'll start learning C++, it's one of those
things that kind of nag at you... and it would be
really usefull since I just downloaded some mud
engines to play with...hey... *grins*
what about an extropians game? *That* would be
interesting.... all kinds of potential plots....
uploaded killers copying themselves onto the internet
and downloading all over... genetic warfare... lots of
fun. I think the best aspect of such a game would be
that you could *use* technology to stop it's
misuse...sort of like a lesson about how tools
themselves aren't bad, it's just in whose hands they
reside, stuff like that. Okay, maybe not the best
aspect. *grins* The part where you get to
singularity would be pretty cool:) And when you get
there, what do you do? Well, if it were something like
a mud, I think it'd be neat to make those types into
the admins.... sort of like when you reach level
ninety nine on someplace like abandoned reality or
Dark and Shattered Lands... *types random chaotic
garbage while thinking about gaming systems*
hee hee hee....
another thought on a game would be that you could try
to make it as advanced as possible- you know, the whol
*nature* of extropianism not only captured in the plot
but in the architecture... stuff like alife ecosystems
of evolving monsters... *shrugs* I think you'd need to
create even your own engine for something like that,
or a significantly altered preexisting one.
Anyways, this was more of a long and garbled spew than
any intelligible thoughts..when it's not late at night
with school in the morning I'd love to think up more
fun things to do with everyone else's time:)
Like writing semi-long posts about online gaming
systems, for example:)

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