Re: Perception, Cognition and Nicotine

From: KPJ (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 07:58:45 MST

It appears as if Joe E. Dees <> wrote:

|Could the purported cognitive benefits of nicotine (improved
|memory and logical function) be due to the narcotic dampening
|effect nicotine has upon our perceptions, thus reducing
|phenomenal distractions from abstract processing?

During a discussion on the local Swedish transhumanist mailing list, Anders
Sandberg <> asserted that nicotine had various effects on the
human biocomputer, including attention increase. To verify the validity of
this assertion, I bought some of the strongest nicotine plasters on the
Swedish market, and used them as directed by the manufacturer.

I experienced improved memory recall, attention, and memory indexing, but
also dizziness and nausea (I do not normally use tobacco).

As for "narcotic dampening", it definitely does not match my experience;
more like the opposite, in fact.

Naturally, this does not form a scientific survey of the effects of nicotine,
but it strengthens the previous findings to some degree.

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