RE: what it's like to be uploaded

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 23:20:19 MST

> wrote:
> > You've missed my point entirely. I have read any and everything I can on
> > jacking in, etc. Thanks for giving me a couple titles, but... Most of
> > read sci-fi. I want to know what THE LIST envisions their OWN personal
> > experience of uploading, not what sci-fi authors think. I believe it
> > valuable to do so *on list* since this is the pool of talent that is
> > inherently prone towards researching and making such a thing possible --
> > exactly NOT as fiction, but as their own reality. I even know people who
> > studying neuroscience to help it happen!!

I look forward to finally having actual communication with my fellows.
Email is OK, face to face conversation is (sometimes) better, but let's face
it -- real communication will only come when you can partake in another's
thoughts, feelings and emotions. Maybe it's that personally I have never
been a great interpersonal relationship kind of guy. Too often what I
intend as good natured irony comes across as mean-spirited or "reactionary."
  My wife is the archetypal emotional woman and I know to her I am the
archetypal logical male. True communication in my household comes only with
truly heroic effort.

I look forward to sharing the collective experience of all humanity and
finally breaking past the walls of emotional, experiential and temperamental
difference which separate us. One of the benefits I expect to come from
having access to a communal consciousness is a truer self-image. We think
we each know ourselves better than anyone else knows us. My bet is that the
collective opinion of those people who know us is probably closer to the
truth than our own opinions of ourselves. One of my main goals in life is
to “know thyself.” I think I’ll be much further along the path of knowing
who I am when I know who it is my peers think I am, behind all their
misleading social niceties and facades.


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